Welcome to the Kents Hill School Let's Get Cooking pages. If you are a pupil of Kents Hill School and would like to tell us about your cooking experiences at home or school or if you have a recipe you would like to share then please get in touch.

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Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Herb dips and vegetable sticks

For the second cooking club session we were focussing on herbs. After an introduction to herbs and a chance to sniff a few freshly cut ones it was time to makes some herb dips. Today our celebrity chef was Keelea and she made cheese and chive dips with Charlee.

Cheese and Chive dip

250g natural yoghurt
50g grated cheese
Handful of fresh chives

1. Dollop the yoghurt into a bowl.
2. Grate the cheese and add it to the yoghurt

3. Snip the chives up into tiny pieces with a pair of scissors.

4. Add the chives to the yoghurt and give everything a good stir

In the meantime, Chloe and Sarah were busy making cheese, tomato and basil dip.

Cheese, tomato and basil dip

100g cream cheese
2 tablespoon tomato puree
Half a lemon
Several basil leaves

1. Put the cheese in a bowl then add the tomato puree.
2. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add this to the yoghurt.

3. Chop some basil leaves up with scissors and add these to the yoghurt too.

4. Give everything a good mix.

And at the same time Amy and Charlie made cucumber raitia.

Cucumber Raitia
A quarter of a cucumber
A quarter of an onion
125g natural yoghurt
1 tablespoon lemon juice
A few mint leaves

1. Cut the cucumber into very small pieces and place in a bowl.

2. Next peel and chop the onion finely and add to the cucumber.

3. Spoon the natural yoghurt into the bowl then add 1 tablespoon lemon juice.

4. Finally add a few mint leaves and give it a good stir.

Now that the dips were made it was time to make something to dip into them. For this the trainee chefs peeled and chopped carrots and cut cucumber into sticks, as well as making pieces of celery and red pepper.

All that was left was to get dipping! And was it yummy? Chloe and Amy certainly thought so and Keelea went back for seconds. Sarah and Charlee weren't so sure. Well, the all got to take some home so maybe their mums and dads will have a taste too.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Chocolate Fruit Sundaes

Today was the first session of the new cooking club at Kents Hill School. The aim was to learn about kitchen safety and hygiene and to focus on practising some knife skills whilst making some yummy chocolate fruit sundaes.

Each of the six children were given important kitchen jobs and to go with that big badges with chef names - Head chef, sous chef, chef de partie and so on. Today our "Celebrity Chef" was Amy and here she shows you how to make chocolate fruit sundaes

Chocolate Fruit Sundaes

110g chocolate
10g butter
2 tablespoons golden syrup
2 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
A selection of fresh fruit such as strawberries, bananas, grapes, melon, pineapple
A tub of vanilla ice-cream

1) Start by making the chocolate sauce. Get a grown up to boil a kettle of water and pour some into the bottom of a saucepan. Break the chocolate into a bowl and place this over the pan of boiling water.

2) Stir the chocolate until it has melted then add the butter, syrup, water and vanilla extract and stir until it makes a smooth sauce.

3) Put the sauce to one side then using the claw and bridge holds chop up your pieces of fruit.

4) Get a big glass or plastic tumbler and put together your fruit sundae by putting in pieces of fruit, dollops of ice-cream and pouring in some chocolate sauce.

5) Then eat it! Yummy and one of you five a day!

Next time, try threading pieces of fruit onto a wooden skewer to make a fruit kebab.
The end of the first session and a successful afternoon for everyone!