Welcome to the Kents Hill School Let's Get Cooking pages. If you are a pupil of Kents Hill School and would like to tell us about your cooking experiences at home or school or if you have a recipe you would like to share then please get in touch.

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  • kentshillfriends@googlemail.co.uk
Our Baked Potato Poll

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Announcing the Big Cookathon!

Kents Hill School's Let's Get Cooking Club are excited to announce that this year we will be taking part in the Big Cookathon! On Tuesday 16th March 2010 schools across the country will be competing in the nationwide Big Cookathon. Up for grabs are £3000 of prize money, with the overall winning school receiving £1000 of this prize fund. But there is more to it than winning. This is the opportunity to launch the Let's Get Cooking club at Kents Hill School in a big way. One of the club's main aims is to encourage everyone to cook and what better way to start than by a Big Cookathon where as many people as possible will join in and cook the same recipe on the same day.

To keep it simple and to make it possible for anyone to join in we have chosen baked potatoes as our recipe. In Kents Hill School every child will cook and eat a baked potato on that day, preparing and eating a variety of delicious toppings, but we need as many people as possible to join in with this event. Last year's overall winner had 900 people cooking on the same day but we can beat this! All you have to do is cook a baked potato - either at home, at work or in one of our other locations. Red Hot World Food Buffet have already joined us and said that anyone turning up there on the day can cook a potato. If you are a member of a club, church group or organisation why don't you get everyone involved. We are also grateful to Riverford Organic Food for agreeing to donate potatoes, topping ingredients and man-power for our event. If you or anyone you know would like to sponsor our event by making donations of food or offering manpower then please get in contact with us and we will be sure to give you a mention at every possible opportunity!

Keep checking back here for the last updates and whilst you are here why not fill in our baked potato survey.

So put the date in your dairy - Tuesday 16th March 2010 - and cook a baked potato with us!

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