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  • kentshillfriends@googlemail.co.uk
Our Baked Potato Poll

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Summer Fete Fruit Kebab Stall

The summer fete was held on Friday 9th July and our Let's Get Cooking Club had their own stall there selling "make your own" fruit kebabs. For £1 per stick the customer could choose 8 things to thread onto their wooden kebab sticks. Eight members of the cooking club took turns to help to chop up the ingredients and to serve customers during the course of the afternoon.

We were fortunate to receive a donation of 2 crates of fruit from Riverford Organic Fruit & Veg, as well as a fresh pineapple from Simon, and with a few extra bits and pieces bought from the shops we had plenty to keep us going. People could choose from strawberries, bananas, apple, clementines, cherries, pineapple, grapes and kiwi as well as marshmallows and pieces of Mars bar.

It was a popular stall and definitely one that will we run again at the next summer fete, and the money taken contributed to the staggering £2500 that was raised on that day.

Now... what shall we do at the Christmas fair...?

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